COL - European Centre for Soil Conservation

The European centre for soil conservation and distribution

The "Conservatoire Européen des Echantillons de Sols" (CEES) stores an archive of French soils collected within the national soil survey and monitoring programs coordinated by the French Soils Scientific Interest Group (GIS Sol). This collective infrastructure is also supporting national and European research programs and infrastructures such as ICOS, with inputs such as:

  • Expertise on sampling strategies and methods
  • Sample preparation and archiving
  • Supply of samples to research programs and partner analysis laboratories.

For that purpose, the CEES has a large fully-equipped sample preparation area, technical rooms and a 370 m2 long-term storage area. At present, it archives more than 34 000 samples, weighing around 33T.



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Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 05 March 2017 | By: CM