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03 July 2023

By: CM

Colisa BRC of BRC4Env certified ISO9001:2015 in July 2020

The Collection of Ichthyogical samples has been certified by LRQA for the perimeter " Introduction, characterization, conservation and provision of ichthyological samples from the biological Resources Centre Colisa ».

03 July 2023

By: CM

Nosopharm reniews its partnership with the laboratory DGIMI

Nosopharm has renewed its partnership with the French National Institute of Agricultural Research, especially with Inra’s Diversity, Genomes and Insects-Microorganisms Interactions laboratory (DGIMI). It aims to develop new classes of antimicrobial agents for treating multi-drug resistant hospital-acquired infections.

03 July 2023

By: CM

BRC4Env, a network of Biological Resource Centres for research in environmental and agricultural sciences

See our article in Open Access in the journal Env. Sci. Pollut. Res. describing the core BRCs/collections of BRC4Env

03 July 2023

By: CM

BRC4Env present at the SIA 2018

AgroBRC-RARe was present at the SIA 2018 (Paris International Agricultural Show).

03 July 2023

By: CM

The BIDIME project

BIodiversity of trichograms, DIversification of biocontrol products and new Economic Models

BRC4Env offers new tools for biological resource users : its portal and a genetic resource ordering tool

The Collection of Ichthyogical samples has been certified by LRQA for the perimeter " Introduction, characterization, conservation and provision of ichthyological samples from the biological Resources Centre Colisa ».

Nosopharm has renewed its partnership with the French National Institute of Agricultural Research, especially with Inra’s Diversity, Genomes and Insects-Microorganisms Interactions laboratory (DGIMI). It aims to develop new classes of antimicrobial agents for treating multi-drug resistant hospital-acquired infections.

The environment pilar

BRC4Env, Biological Resource Centres for the Environment of AgroBRC-RARe

BRC4Env, the network of Biological Resource Centres for the Environmentof of AgroBRC-RARe, aims at storing and providing environmental resources (biological material and associated data), in a secure way and an optimal traceability. BRC4Env supports both fundamental and applied research based on agro-environmental bioresources. These biological and/or genomic resources are sampled from soils, sediments, waters, agricultural ecosystems, and preserved in organized collections. They include microorganisms, as well as animal and plant resources, whose management or spreading do not directly depend from human intervention. BRC4Env provides these resources available for researchers from academia, but also industry and forces of civil society, in the field of agroecology.

These resources collected in the environment are used to:

  • describe, document and characterize the various environmental components,
  • develop processes for the biocontrol of crop pests
  • understand the interactions taking place between various types of hosts and pathogens.

Le réseau de Centres de Ressources Biologiques agro-environnementales de l'Infrastructure AgroBRC-RARe, BRC4Env, conserve et distribue des ressources biologiques (matériel biologique et données associées), de manière sécurisée et avec une traçabilité optimale. BRC4Env soutient la recherche fondamentale et appliquée concernée par les bioressources agro-environnementales. Ces ressources biologiques et/ou génomiques sont échantillonnées à partir de sols, de sédiments, d'eaux, d'écosystèmes agricoles, et conservées dans des collections organisées. Elles concernent des microorganismes, ainsi que les ressources animales et végétales dont la gestion ou la propagation ne dépendent pas directement d'une intervention humaine. BRC4Env rend ces ressources disponibles pour les chercheurs du monde académique, mais aussi de l'industrie et de la société civile.