COL - Animal parasitic nematodes

COL - Animal parasitic nematodes

A collection mainly foccused on strongylids collected from small ruminant species

The collection was created by INRA in the 1990’s in Nouzilly, and originally started with strongylids collected from small ruminant species. This collection harbors more than 7.000 entries. Trichostrongylids represent the core of this collection with 2.300 Teladorsagia circumcincta, 1.800 Haemonchus contortus or 1.000 Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Besides spanning a wide range of nematode clades, these isolates also exhibit various ecological and evolutionary histories, e.g. contrasted anthelmintic resistance status or passaged through different hosts. Individual adult stages are available as well as cryopreserved larval stages that can be used for artificial infection and further protocols.

Over the years, additional species infecting cattle (Ostertagia sp., Coopearia sp.), mice (Heligmosomoides sp.), rabbits (Graphidium sp.), pigs (Oesophagostomum sp.) and horses (cyathostomins, Parascaris sp) have been collected.

Contact: Guillaume Sallé,

The collection is deposited at the joint research unit INRA/Université de Tours Infectiologie et Santé Publique (UMR1282 ISP) in Nouzilly, France. The ISP lab investigates the underpinning mechanisms of evolution, infection and resistance to therapy in veterinary and medical relevant viruses, bacteria and parasites. Research activities also involve analytical and synthetic chemistry to provide the field with novel active and more sustainable compounds.


© Alexandra Blanchard