COL - Entomopathogenic nematodes

COL - Entomopathogenic nematodes

These collections are dedicated to bacteria-nematode complexes for insect biocontrol and for discovering new bioactive molecules. See also the bacterial collection.

In 2008, the collection of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs) from INRA Guadeloupe was transferred at the UMR1333 DGIMI UM-INRA Diversité, Génomes & Interactions Microorganismes-Insectes (DGIMI) in the research group “Integrative biology of interactions between bacteria, insects & entomopathogenic nematodes" (BIBINE) in Montpellier, France. The research is focused on the isolation, identification and characterization of novel populations of entomopathogenic nematodes isolated and the study of the pathogenic interactions between lepidopteran pests.

The collection has regularly been enriched by environmental prospection in natural soils in France from technical centers of agriculture (GRAB, Research Station La Tapy (, APREL or CETA St Anne) or by international nematologists (Czech republic, United States, South Africa, Lebanon, Ireland, Belgium, Italy,…). Our contribution is focused on the screening of entomopathogenic nematodes able to cause high mortality to different orders of insects targeting pests of importance in agriculture.

Infective juvenile instar larvae (IJs) of EPNs of the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis collected are identified by molecular approach. 26 species of Steinernema genus (100 strains) and 3 species of Heterorhabditis genus (40 strains) are stored in Ringer’s solution. Living IJs are stored for a period of 3 to 6 months at 8°C (Steinernema genus) and 15°C (Heterorhabditis genus) and then reared on insect by natural infestation and stored again.

Contact: Sylvie Pagès,