The BIDIME project

BIodiversity of trichograms, DIversification of biocontrol products and new Economic Models

As part of the EcophytoPIC plan, the CRB EP-Coll is involved, for a period of 36 months since 2020, in a collaboration between INRAE ​​(ISA & CBGP laboratories) and UCA (GREDEG laboratory), as well as socio-economic partners (ASTREDHOR, BIOLINE AGROSCIENCES, CA06-CREAM).

BIDIME, managed by Nicolas Ris (INRAE), proposes to supply a set of 5 innovations, (i) a "process" for optimizing biological control auxiliaries, (ii) new strains of auxiliaries, (iii) the development of a genomic Quality Control tool, (iv) the development of a video-phenotyping "package" to accelerate and optimize the evaluation in the laboratory of candidate strains, (v) the evaluation of an alternative business model aimed at facilitating the diversification and deployment of biocontrol products, particularly in the case of "nested markets".

Deployment in the fields will be tested in the Alpes-Maritimes, where both ornamental crops with high added value and / or strong environmental requirements coexist, but also market gardening. The biological control auxiliaries will be the trichograms, oophagous parasitoids capable of parasitizing a great diversity of Lepidoptera and, as such, a still under-exploited reservoir of biological control solutions.

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 22 April 2021 | By: CM