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24 August 2023

By: CM

The BRC4Env portal and a biological resource ordering tool put in production

BRC4Env offers new tools for biological resource users : its portal and a genetic resource ordering tool

03 July 2023

By: CM

The BIDIME project

BIodiversity of trichograms, DIversification of biocontrol products and new Economic Models

03 July 2023

By: CM

Colisa BRC of BRC4Env certified ISO9001:2015 in July 2020

The Collection of Ichthyogical samples has been certified by LRQA for the perimeter " Introduction, characterization, conservation and provision of ichthyological samples from the biological Resources Centre Colisa ».

03 July 2023

By: CM

Nosopharm reniews its partnership with the laboratory DGIMI

Nosopharm has renewed its partnership with the French National Institute of Agricultural Research, especially with Inra’s Diversity, Genomes and Insects-Microorganisms Interactions laboratory (DGIMI). It aims to develop new classes of antimicrobial agents for treating multi-drug resistant hospital-acquired infections.

03 July 2023

By: CM

BRC4Env, a network of Biological Resource Centres for research in environmental and agricultural sciences

See our article in Open Access in the journal Env. Sci. Pollut. Res. describing the core BRCs/collections of BRC4Env

03 July 2023

By: CM

Annual meeting AgroBRC

The annual scientific meeting of AgroBRC will be held in Paris on 28 and 29 may 2018.

03 July 2023

By: FM

World Fish Migratory Day

In connection with the World Fish Migration Day, the Environmental Research Observatory (ERO) on Diadromous Fish in Coastal rivers (DiaPFC), AFB-INRA Pole Gest’Aqua and BRC Colisa allows you to discover the trapping migratory fish and actions which are carried out.

03 July 2023

By: CM

BRC4Env present at the SIA 2018

AgroBRC-RARe was present at the SIA 2018 (Paris International Agricultural Show).